1. Forgotten passwords
If you forget your password, please follow next steps:
- Go to the Ingram Micro Log-in page and click "Forgot Password?"
- Enter your username and email address; then click OK
- Answer the challenge question you set up previously and click Get My Password.
Your answer is not case sensitive.
- You will receive an immediate email with a temporary password that you will need to modify when you log in.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact your company's account administrator or webmaster@ingrammicro.com.au.
1.1 Create a new password
You may change your password at any time.
- Click My Account > My Profile > Account Information.
- Enter your current password.
- Enter your new password (must contain a minimum of (10 characters for Admin and 6 characters for User), and must include at least one capital and one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character such as !$#&@, etc).
- Must not be previous 10 used passwords.
- Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password field.
- Click Save.
If you have any questions about how to create a new password, please contact your company's account administrator or webmaster@ingrammicro.com.au
1.2 Forgotten username
if you forget your username, please contact your company's account administrator or webmaster@ingrammicro.com.au
1.3 Two Factor Authentication Guide
Please refer to the user guide.
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